


The Rilla of Ingleside Readathon, founded by Andrea McKenzie and Benjamin Lefebvre on March 30th, 2020, began as a response to the first COVID-19 lockdowns. This collection of short illustrated essays captures founding members' responses to Rilla and the sense of community created through reading L.M. Montgomery's novel during that difficult, challenging time.

To read an essay, click on the plus sign (+) beside the author's name. For the best reading experience, click on the full screen icon (two diagonal arrows pointing outwards). To leave full screen, click on ESCape. 


Do you have your own story or comments to share? Email Andrea McKenzie (acmcken@gmail.com) or share on social media using #ReadingRilla or #LMMReadathon.

Works Cited - Manual
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Abbey McRoberts for the beautiful design work and implementation, along with Heidi Haering. We would also like to thank Jane Ledwell, copy-editor extraordinaire, and the editors of the Journal. And we thank all the members of the Readathon who contributed to an extraordinary experience throughout this challenging time.



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