Marah Gubar joined MIT’s Literature faculty as an Associate Professor in 2014. Previously, she directed the Children’s Literature Program at the University of Pittsburgh. Her book Artful Dodgers: Reconceiving The Golden Age Of Children’s Literature (OUP, 2009) won the Children’s Literature Association Book Award. She has also written a series of essays on child performers and playgoers for academic journals such as American Quarterly and Victorian Studies and edited essay collections such as Children, Childhood, and Musical Theater. While in graduate school, she channeled her love of L. M. Montgomery’s Anne books into a paper that became her first published essay: “‘Where is the Boy?’: The Pleasures of Postponement in the Anne of Green Gables Series,” which came out in The Lion and The Unicorn in 2001 and was later excerpted the Norton Critical Edition of Anne of Green Gables (2006), edited by Mary Henley Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston.