30 November 2024 will mark 150 years since the birth of internationally celebrated writer L.M. Montgomery, creator of Anne of Green Gables, twenty other novels, short stories, poetry, diaries, memoir, journalism, textiles, photography, and collage.

To celebrate this anniversary, the Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies will publish a special collection, “#Maud150: Back to the Future.” #Maud150 is a time to reflect, reappraise, and envision: we particularly invite submissions–scholarly articles and creative work (written, visual, or audio-visual)–about celebration and commemoration and those that consider the past, present, or future in relation to Montgomery’s art, life, context(s), or legacies. We anticipate this collection will be published in the Journal online beginning in 2024 and continuing throughout 2025. Emily Climbs will have its 100th anniversary in 2025, so this is also an opportunity to explore Montgomery's semi-autobiographical novel about a woman writer coming of age. However, discussions of all Montgomery’s fiction, non-fiction, and life-writing are welcome.

#Maud150 may be approached  in relation to the following topics and approaches, among others:

  • births, arrivals, beginnings
  • celebration (events: birthdays, anniversaries, parties; rituals, traditions; laughter, fun, merrymaking)
  • other anniversaries (LMM in conversation with other writers around their own anniversaries – e.g., Jane Austen’s 250 in 2025, Hans Christian Andersen’s 150 in 2025; other LMM anniversaries)
  • preservation, commemoration, memory
  • time (the seasons; age, aging)
  • history and heritage, both tangible and intangible, on various scales (personal, family, community, women’s, national, trans-national histories); historians (oral, family, professional)
  • taking stock: the present state of LMM scholarship, communities, sites, legacies
  • engaging the cutting edge of scholarship and culture; interdisciplinary approaches; reading LMM through the latest in tech, science, art (other artists, literary movements, genres, media)
  • the future, looking forward
  • prescience, prediction, the sixth sense
  • progress, evolution, development: personal, social, cultural, scientific, technological, artistic
  • the future of LMM sites, communities, legacies, scholarship
  • engaging new scholars, readers, audiences
  • teaching LMM; engaging students in LMM’s work/legacy
  • attention to relevant times, places, themes that deepen understanding of LMM
    • We particularly welcome approaches highlighting Mi’kmaw, Black, or Acadian cultures. For example, Indigenous storytelling or art for understanding PEI/Abegweit or Black PEI history as represented in Netflix’s Anne with an E (or beyond). 
  • other approaches marking #Maud150 (in 2024) or #EmilyClimbs100 (in 2025)

Abstracts (250-300 words) for both scholarly articles and creative work are due by 1 March 2024. You will be notified whether your abstract has been accepted by 12 April 2024.

Final submissions are due by 30 August 2024 and will be entered into one of the journal’s two review processes: double blind peer review or editorial peer review. 1) Double- blind peer-reviewed items undergo both editorial review and double-blind peer review before being accepted. 2) Editorial peer- reviewed items are single- or non-blind reviewed, undergoing  a) review by at least one editor and one other reviewer  OR b) review by two editors  before being accepted by the journal. Please indicate which review process you prefer.

To be considered by the editors, the submissions must reflect the JLMMS’s “Aims and Scope.” All submissions for written articles and creative projects should follow the JLMMS’s “Instructions for Contributors” and “Style Sheet,” which is based on a version of MLA 8.

Questions, abstracts, and completed papers should be directed to montgomeryjournal@upei.ca (subject head: #Maud150: Back to the Future).

Deadline: Abstracts due 1 March 2024; Submissions due 30 August 2024

Note: there will be a separate CFP emerging from the L.M. Montgomery Institute’s 2024 conference on “The Politics of Home.”

The Journal is a peer-reviewed publication of the L.M. Montgomery Institute and the Robertson Library at the University of Prince Edward Island.



journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca / journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca